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Farming in Chicago? The Museum of Science and Industry has a section dedicated to agriculture and how the equipment and methods have evolved. Great museum. This one is another must-see when in Chicago. Other displays include patterns in nature and how they equate to mathematical formulas. Another section on robotics and how they are used include manufacturing, farming, logistics, and mining. The Driveby Tourist remembers going to this museum when a senior in high school. Obviously I don’t remember anything from it.

Here is a video running ahead of the combine to simulate corn processing at the Chicago Museum. All things considered, would be good to have my own video to show the process. Of course, there is a tractor on display as well but everybody’s seen a John Deere tractor!
Museum of Science and Industry

Coal mining equipment from the past. The museum contains a tour of a simulated coal mine. I understand touring the mine is very good, but I didn’t have the time that day. Those visiting said it was well worth the time for this Museum of Science and Industry exhibit.
Did you know that blogs are typically reader supported? So, buy me a hot chocolate! Or not!.

Patterns in nature explainable by mathematical formulas lead to discoveries for industrial use. Surprisingly, complex formulas explain the formations. And humans learn how emulating these patterns create machines that stand the test of time. Great display at this Chicago museum.
Think to the future
Another thought-provoking display here in the museum. Challenging oneself drives innovation in research and engineering. Furthermore, everyone challenging themselves in their job and everyday life leads to creating a better life for many. Consequently, the Museum of Science and Industry creates a worthwhile visit.
Robotics continue to change the way we work as demonstrated in this Chicago museum. Not to be a “downer” but more jobs have been eliminated through automation than by exporting to other countries. Hence, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

And more challenging of ourselves. Motivation to keep improving. Therefore, more reasons to visit museums of this type, especially this Chicago museum.
Automotive advances over nearly 100 years
Tesla Roadster 2008 Milburn Model 27L 1923
Surprisingly, electric cars contended for powering automobiles in the 1920s. For example, the Milburn used a 60-volt electric motor and obtained about 60 miles on a charge. By 2008, the Tesla used a 3 phase, 4 pole electric motor and obtained about 200 miles on a charge. And this is the kind of exhibit expected at the Museum of Science and Industry. I understand the newest Tesla’s run for over 600 miles on a full charge. (Correct me if you have later information!)
Want to see a shop for my road trip photos? You can have them printed as wall art or puzzles. They also work on coffee mugs, t-shirts and more! So, take a look. Maybe you'll see something you will like!
And trains in Chicago Museum

Trains run continuously during exhibit hours. Part of the display tells the story of intermodal transport. Most importantly, shipping compartments packed in foreign or domestic factories for shipping. Compartments loaded onto ships, railroad cars, and/or trucks, eliminate packing and unpacking along the delivery route. The display reminds me of another display similar to this on Route 66 in a railroad museum in Kingman AZ.
“What a Wonderful World” by Sam Cooke
Don’t know much about history
Don’t know much biology
I Don’t know much about a science book,
Don’t know much about the french I took
But I do know that I love you,
And I know that if you love me, too,
What a wonderful world this would be
Written by: Herb Alpert, Lou Adler, Sam Cooke
See, I learned more about history!