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Ok, last day. Left today along with one other guy. The others continue the celebration of our time together 50 years ago. Something about serving in the military that brings people together in a way that other experiences don’t. It really seems like the years haven’t gone by so quickly. But on the other hand, it seems like “yesterday” that we were together in Japan. All have had very different lives of course but we find common ground in having worked, lived, played, partied together “back in the day”. The memories of the past are different for each of us. Each person has some memories that others don’t have and each of us remember single events in different ways. Those who have served in the military will understand. Others probably won’t. ….and if there were any bad times, we don’t remember them anymore.
Road trips are what you make of them. Another example of creating memories that stay with you the rest of your days. The “secret” is to immerse yourself in the time. Keeping busy with friends and events, any outside thoughts need to be about how to save your memories or how to recreate similar memories. In my experience, events can’t be created exactly like they were the first time. So I say “similar”, not “identical” experiences. Each experience will become a different experience, doesn’t matter how similar you try to make it. Something, no matter how small, will be different and will make all the difference in the world. For example, participated in a conversation about European trips. (My part was really small as I still haven’t made a European trip.) But all learned something that may be applied to the next trip.
I need to come up with a new name for this type of trip. It’s not really a road trip. Work on that as blog development. Tomorrow should be a good time to try new ideas for the blog.
Did you know that blogs are typically reader supported? So, buy me a hot chocolate! Or not!.
And for reference, a link to the remainder of the California trip.